Hercules – Flexible Apache Cassandra ORM for Java


Hercules is a lightweight yet powerful ORM with an approach to provide OOP way of interacting with Cassandra-specific data model.


  • plain entities (entity per row) and wide entities (entity by column in a row)
  • flexible entity serialisation customisation
  • managed entity indexes
  • works great with DI frameworks
  • lifecycle method/event support
  • does not store null fields

Get It!

Current version is 0.4.2. Has been used only in several internal projects. Use it in production at your own risk.

Maven repo (currently hosted on BinTray – add this to <repositories> in your pom.xml):


Maven dependency (add this to <dependencies> in your pom.xml):



Latest binaries and sources on BinTray: hercules-0.4.2.jar

Latest source code: hercules-0.4.2-sources.jar

Fork on GitHub: https://github.com/appmetr/hercules

Browse releases on BinTray: https://bintray.com/appmetr/maven/hercules

Quick Start

Hercules requires Java SE 5 or higher.

Create you first entity:

public class Cat {

    @Id String id;

    String name;


Create entity DAO:

public class CatDAO extends AbstractDAO<Cat, String> {

    public CatDAO(Hercules hercules) {
        super(Cat.class, hercules);


Create Hercules config:

Set<Class> entityClasses = new HashSet<Class>();

HerculesConfig config = new HerculesConfig(
    "Test",             // keyspace name
    "localhost:9160",   // cassandra host and port
    10,                 // max active connections
    1,                  // replication factor
    true,               // is schema modification enabled

Create Hercules and perform queries:

Hercules hercules = HerculesFactory.create(config);

CatDAO catDAO = new CatDAO(hercules);
Cat cat = catDAO.get("cat01");



Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Coming soon...